Birsay Moor is one of the higher points of Orkney, and is an RSPB Nature Reserve. We didn’t stop to look at birds, but it gives lovely views of Eynhallow Sound. Eynhallow is an island at the north-west entrance to the sound, and at some states of the tide there are big tidal races either side of it. We went down to the Sands of Evie and although they are almost 2 miles away, we could see and hear them.

- Shutter speed: 1/4700s
- Aperture: ƒ/1.7
- ISO: 56
- Focal length: 4.38mm
- Camera: Pixel 6a
- Location: 59° 6.1411667′ 0″ N 3° 8.258′ 0″ W