There is a multi-gauge model railway in Northcliff Park. This is a crossover on (I think) the 5” and 7¼” gauge lines. Shutter speed: 1/20s Aperture: ƒ/2.7 ISO: 700 Focal length: 4.6mm Taken: 1 January,…
To finish 2014, it was back to long exposure images of waterfalls. Unfortunately I didn’t take my tripod on this walk so I was limited in viewpoints to…
More wonderful frosty mornings. I was staying with Barbara and this was taken in her garden. Shutter speed: 1/125s Aperture: ƒ/5.6 ISO: 400 Focal length: 55mm Taken: 29 December, 2014 09:12 Camera: PENTAX K-5…
There was a heavy frost in the garden with wonderful ice crystals on the bins. Shutter speed: 1/60s Aperture: ƒ/8 ISO: 200 Focal length: 55mm Taken: 26 December, 2014 10:12 Camera: PENTAX K-5 II
Christmas day 2014 was beautiful, so I drive to Pitlochry and walked up past Black Spout waterfall to Eradour Distillery, across the fields to Moulin, back down to…
I’m very fond of the view of the Castle from the Harbour walls. At midwinter even midday light is low and warm. Shutter speed: 1/640s Aperture: ƒ/5 ISO: 400 Focal length: 60mm…
I love the shapes in the old seed heads of Cow Parsley. Shutter speed: 1/60s Aperture: ƒ/9 ISO: 3200 Focal length: 250mm Taken: 19 December, 2014 15:12 Camera: PENTAX K-5 II
Back to my favourite field… The bales have gone and it’s been ploughed but not planted for the next year. Shutter speed: 1/800s Aperture: ƒ/4 ISO: 400 Focal length: 250mm Taken: 13 December,…