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Loch Leven is fairly shallow and freezes easily. I managed to get this shot one evening as the setting sun put a pinkish colour over everything. it was…
Back at Ossian’s Hall and the autumn colours are starting to arrive. To me it vastly improves the image. Flickr Photopage Shutter speed: 1.6s Aperture: ƒ/22 ISO: 100 Focal length: 19mm Taken: 16…
Terri took me here when I visited her in late October. I didn’t notice the tower and stairway until she pointed it out! I took a number of…
One of my favourite locations, and one of my first shots there. The autumn colours are not yet in evidence despite the image being taken in early October,…
I liked the shapes of this railing which I came across in the village of Edgehill – the Edgehill of the battle in the English Midlands. Flickr Photopage…
Pan Ha’ is a delightful former fishing and salt panning village on the south coast of Fife, slightly east of Kirkcaldy. Following illness and (successful) major surgery in…
By now Max and Minnie had grown considerably, and I got this rather sweet image of them cuddled up in a cat bed. Minnie has green eyes, Max…
Loch Leven is another of my places that feels like it’s in Fife even when it’s in Perth and Kinross. For me this image has a lovely calm…
The drive from the A9 at Dalwhinnie via the A86 to Spean Bridge goes right past Laggan Dam, and there is a small car park and a viewpoint. …
Clearly I was on a run with waterfall images that autumn! I took to reading OS maps (as presented on Streetmap) and trawling Flickr and Google for places…