My friend and I walked up Kinoull Hill and along to the dramatic Tower, which overlooks the Tay and northern Fife. Shutter speed: 1/7800s Aperture: ƒ/1.7 ISO: 77 Focal length: 4.38mm Taken: 17…
Aerosparx gave us a stunning and original combined aerobatics & fireworks display on the last night. Shutter speed: 1/100s Aperture: ƒ/1.7 ISO: 457 Focal length: 4.38mm Taken: 26 August, 2022 19:08 Camera: Pixel 4a
The gliders are launched by aerotow from a grid, with the order changing each day – sometimes it’s an advantage to launch early, other days it’s better to…
The Women’s World Gliding Championship for 2022 was held at The Gliding Centre, Husband’s Bosworth. Lots of us, including me, camped. This was sunrise early one morning.. Shutter…
Some friends visited Edinburgh and this is the stairwell in the flats they were staying in. Shutter speed: 1/35s Aperture: ƒ/1.7 ISO: 52 Focal length: 4.38mm Taken: 26 June, 2022 11:06 Camera: Pixel 4a
Back to this wonderful place when the bluebells were out. Shutter speed: 1/140s Aperture: ƒ/1.7 ISO: 51 Focal length: 4.38mm Taken: 26 May, 2022 11:05 Camera: Pixel 4a Location: 56° 31.6406667′ 0″ N 3° 23.8733333′…
This was a wonderful cold frosty day, and there were some lovely patterns on car windscreens & bodywork. Shutter speed: 1/60s Aperture: ƒ/5.6 ISO: 200 Focal length: 85mm Taken: 7 January, 2022 14:01…