Another of my friend’s kittens. The mottled effect is because she’s a tortie-point. Her eye colour here is absolutely wonderful and I much prefer chocolate tortie colouring to…
Saffi is a seal-point Siamese bred by a friend. She had attitude, and here she has a wonderfully grumpy expression. Shutter speed: 1/100s Aperture: ƒ/5.6 ISO: 1600 Focal length: 55mm Taken: 7 April,…
Meena is Cara’s daughter. She was looking so relaxed in the cat nest and her blue eyes looked stunning. Flickr Photopage Shutter speed: 1/20s Aperture: ƒ/5 ISO: 400 Focal length: 150mm Taken: 5…
I was visiting Barbera as Cara had a lovely litter of kittens. I walked in one morning and three of them were beautifully lined up. I pressed the shutter…