The stubble fields often remind me of the textures in a piece by Kaffe Fassett. I’ve included the landscape shot to show just how gorgeously clear it was….
This is moss with hoar frost. I love the texture! Shutter speed: 1/125s Aperture: ƒ/1.7 ISO: 63 Focal length: 4.38mm Taken: 13 December, 2022 09:12 Camera: Pixel 4a
Had a flight as P2 on the 27th and was able to take these two photos of gliders. Both were taken over the Conway valley. Shutter speed: 1/1250s Aperture: ƒ/1.7…
I went to the Women Gliding event at Denbigh Gliding, held on the last weekend of November. On the Saturday morning there was this gorgeous sunrise visible from…
I visited the former hide near Burleigh Sands, Loch Leven NNR, to find it was demolished! A viewing screen is being built which unfortunately won’t offer seats. However…