West Lomond is hidden in this angry cloud. There was already snow on the ground, and more soon arrived. Shutter speed: 1/23000s Aperture: ƒ/1.7 ISO: 92 Focal length: 4.38mm Taken: 9 February, 2021…
Found this lovely pattern on a path at the back of my house. It had been about -5C overnight, brrr! Shutter speed: 1/100s Aperture: ƒ/1.7 ISO: 104 Focal length: 4.38mm Taken: 31 January,…
My first flight in my own glider following lockdown, and what a great flight! I managed to get to 6,500′ above the airfield. Unfortunately I didn’t have time…
John Knox’s Pulpit was a rock formation overlooking Glenvale in North-east Fife. There is a lovely 4-mile circular walk from the car park on the minor road from…